
By MyEdge

All About Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution was a period marked by rapid urbanization and industrial development. It started in Britain in the 1700s and rapidly spread through entire Europe and North America. This period witnessed the improvement in transportation, communication and banking system. Here are a few important lesser known facts about this most important industrial development in world history:

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By MyEdge

4 Epic Battles That Changed History

Battles not only play a decisive role in a full-fledged war but also alter the course of history. There have been a few epic battles that have changed the course of destiny for some nations forever. The list is quite exhaustive, as we are talking about more than 200 countries, but herein we have covered four of the most important battles that the world has ever witnessed:   Read more

By MyEdge

5 Amazing Facts on Water Cycle

Do you know that our planet earth has been recycling water for more than 4 billion years? That means you could actually be drinking the same water that the dinosaur’s once drank:-)! Surprising, right? The water on earth moves between the rivers, oceans, atmosphere and the land through a continuous process called the Water Cycle. Let’s take a look at a few interesting facts about this cycle:   Read more

By MyEdge

4 English Grammar Rules That You Must Learn By Heart

Before you start learning English, it is important to learn the basic rules of the language. A strong knowledge of grammar will go a long way in developing a solid foundation of the language. Here is a list of 5 most important grammar rules to learn by heart before you start mastering the language:   Read more

By MyEdge

6 ways to beat exam stress effectively

Is it that time of the year when exams are looming large on your heads? Are you feeling the jitters in your stomach and losing sleep over the results? If yes then you should sit back and relax, get some good sleep after reading this article! Exam worries are normal for most students and it’s now time to shake off that little voice in your head causing worries. Disappointments are a part of life and there is simply no need to aggravate it in any way. Here are some amazing therapies that can work wonders in lifting your mood and beating exam stress:

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All About Industrial Revolution
4 Epic Battles That Changed History
5 Amazing Facts on Water Cycle
4 English Grammar Rules That You Must Learn By Heart
6 ways to beat exam stress effectively