
By MyEdge

How to Organize and Conduct Effective Study Groups using MyEdge VC

More than 20 years of academic research has shown that studying in groups helps students learn more effectively.

The potential advantages of studying in a group are:

  1. Students cannot procrastinate studying
  2. Learn Faster
  3. Get New Perspective
  4. Learn New Studying Skills
  5. Fill in the Learning Gaps

Unlike situations where parental restrictions or the difficulty of gathering at a physical location for studying, MyEdge gives its student members a unique opportunity to form online study groups. In a world where, although distances are easily treaded but the safety and traffic woes are on the rise, MyEdge Group Study tool is truly God sent. When you form a Study Group at MyEdge and use our unique modern learning tool called Virtual Classroom to conduct group studies, you not only negate the traveling time in today’s rush-rush world but also relieve your parents from the added stress of constantly worrying about your safety. This ultimately results in a peaceful and efficient studying environment with your friends and peers.

Our student members can easily organize group study sessions using our Virtual Classroom tool. One group member, who everyone in the group can nominate, can act as a moderator and ensure that effective discipline is maintained during the class just like a class prefect.

So, here are a few tips and guidelines for you to get started on organizing and conducting an effective group study session:

Guidelines for Getting a Group Together

  • Optimum number of participants4 to 6
    • If more are interested, then form two groups and meet online as per schedule to share information, ideas, exchange notes and prepare for exams.
  • Who should be a part of the group?
    • Don’t choose your study partners based only on friendship; look for people who are attentive in class, take notes, ask questions, have good communication skills and respond to teacher question’s on a regular basis. This way you will only improve the efficiency and environment of your group study session.
    • If you manage to get a senior or a teacher to take a class then it becomes the icing on a cake.
  • How long should the session last?
    • For optimum efficiency, study groups should be about 2-3 hours at a time.
  • Set rules from the start
    • In your first session, ensure that everyone agrees on class expectations which help you in laying the basic ground rules.
  • State Objective
    • Knowing what you want to achieve as a group helps the group manage time and stay focused.
  • Be Prepared
    • Before every session, be sure to finish your assigned reading, revisions, group assignments and list down topics/questions you want to discuss.
  • Communicate Freely
    • Don’t be shy about asking for your peers’ feedback.
  • Stay On Topic
    • For each session, assign someone to steer the group study back on track in case there is adrift.

Getting the Most Out of a Study Group Session

  • Set rules from the start
    • In your first session, ensure that everyone agrees on class expectations which help you in laying the basic ground rules.
  • State Objective
    • Knowing what you want to achieve as a group helps the group manage time and stay focused.
  • Be Prepared
    • Before every session, be sure to finish your assigned reading, revisions, group assignments and list down topics/questions you want to discuss.
  • Communicate Freely
    • Don’t be shy about asking for your peers’ feedback.
  • Stay On Topic

For each session, assign someone to steer the group study back on track in case there is adrift.

So, now you know the best practices of organizing and conducting a result-oriented group study session at MyEdge. To know more about how to setup your first Group Study session using MyEdge Virtual Classroom, read our article.

By MyEdge

How to Organize MyEdge Virtual Classroom

MyEdge seeks to provide a new direction to learning & education system by introducing Virtual Classroom training for all its members, who can register for free. We certainly believe that the virtual classroom platform with all its unique features and tools would help in raising the standard of education across the world by making the best faculty, learning material, latest pedagogical techniques and much more available at a click of a button to any learner, irrespective of her/his demographic limitations.

So let’s first get to know what a Virtual Classroom is:

Virtual Classroom (VC) is an online eLearning tool which transforms a physical classroom into a web based environment. Just like the physical classroom, VC provides all the necessary infrastructure to support learning such as whiteboard, audio & video discussions, chatting, drawing objects/ figures etc. In addition, the VC provides a facility to open & view documents (MS Word, PowerPoint, pdf etc.), create documents, record sessions, share your screen etc. The VC is the future of eLearning and is expected to transform the way education is delivered & received all across India and the world.

Now, let’s see how you can use the MyEdge Virtual Classroom

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

So, now that you know all about organizing a Virtual Classroom session on MyEdge, please go right ahead and setup one right now!

Coming up Next… Conducting a Virtual Classroom on MyEdge.

By MyEdge

Virtual Classroom – Dawn of Educated Rural India

It is an open secret that education is probably the only tool that can bring about the much needed change in the current grotesque scenario, which encompasses poverty, crime and adversities. Yes, people in the urban cities have always considered quality education to be a key ingredient for the success of their next generation. But, this is only true for a very minor section of our population. A fact known by few is that more than 70% of Indian population still lives in rural areas, mostly oblivious to good quality education.

The Right to Education Act 2009 has made access to free and compulsory primary education a right under the Indian constitution for children in the age group of 6-14 years. However, the existing infrastructure of schools across the country, especially in remote and rural parts, is in appalling state which has been an extremely limiting factor for the Government in providing benefits to the masses under the aforesaid Act. As per UNESCO, India holds the unsolicited record of housing the most number of illiterates in the world!

And this shameful record won’t get off the lap of our nation till we address the following challenges:
1. Low access and use of technology in schools/colleges due to inadequate capital investment in setting up infrastructure through purchase of desktops, laptops and servers.
2. Lack of teaching staff in remote rural parts of the country also leads to low enrollment of students. Poor pay grades and corruption in recruitment of teachers has also kept quality teachers away from such schools.
3. 70-80% of NGOs that strive to provide education to the rural populace are digitally challenged and don’t use IT tools and latest inventions to educate people.
4. Lack of proper infrastructure is a major hindrance when it comes to educating rural India. Some schools even lack the basic infrastructure such as permanent structure, chairs/tables, blackboards and toilets.
5. Unavailability of a curriculum customized for rural masses. Non-simplified/complex study material is hard to absorb for people in rural areas, which results in high drop-out rate amongst students in the first few years of schooling.
6. Some children are forced to earn their livelihood in their adolescence, which bars them from attending school.
7. Most of the families in rural India can’t afford books and other tangible study material to support their children’s education.
8. The daily routine of a lot of rural people including children still includes walking miles to fetch water, food or wood. Most of the schools in such locations are also located very far which acts as a deterrent for students to attend school and pursue studies.
9. Lack of employment opportunities in rural areas also leads to lack of interest amongst the youth to pursue formal education in schools/colleges.
10. Lack of hygiene in preparation of food under the mid-day meal scheme and numerous cases of food poisoning reported from across the country has also made parents wary of sending their kids to schools in rural areas.

MyEdge having identified these shortcomings has created a unique first of its kind internet based tool which is available to any learner from across the world. This revolutionary tool is called ‘VIRTUAL CLASSROOM’. World renowned academicians and researchers have reckoned this tool to be the biggest innovation in the field of learning purely on the basis of the array of features it offers. With this tool, all you need is a basic desktop with minimal configuration and a stable internet connection. Students irrespective of their location can now learn in a classroom environment from any teacher/volunteer located in any part of the world.

Through Virtual Classrooms, children from lesser privileged sections of the society can access premium knowledge banks, databases, ebooks and reference material. The proposed National Broadband plan is expected to make quality internet accessible to semi-urban and rural parts of the country over the next few years. It is therefore expected that Virtual Classroom technology provided by MyEdge can become a backbone for the digital revolution of education in India.

We expect the NGOs to increasingly use Virtual Classrooms as a medium to educate rural students, promulgate adult illiteracy and recruit volunteers. MyEdge X’perts would also provide complete support in furthering the objective of the government and NGOs.
If you haven’t experienced a Virtual Classroom yet, do it now and be a part of revolution that’ll change the face of learning forever!

By MyEdge

Careers in Hospitality Sector

If you possess a striking personality and good communication skills coupled with the will to serve people, hospitality sector is tailor made for you. The rapid growth in travel and tourism industry has indeed triggered a massive boom in the hospitality sector, which has resulted   Read more

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Alarming Facts about Children in India – A PicStory
How to Organize and Conduct Effective Study Groups using MyEdge VC
How to Organize MyEdge Virtual Classroom
Virtual Classroom – Dawn of Educated Rural India
Careers in Hospitality Sector