
By MyEdge

Why The Modi Government is Emphasizing on MOOCs & Virtual Classes

In the recently announced fiscal budget for the year 2014-15, India’s finance minister Mr. Arun Jaitley has allocated Rs. 100 crores (approximately $17 million) for online courses and virtual classrooms. This may have been surprising for many, but we at MyEdge had already predicted such a move given the massive demand supply gap and thrust of the new government on technology.   Read more

By MyEdge

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By MyEdge

Clearing CAT is Not as Tough as it Looks

Getting an ‘MBA’ became a rage amongst the youth of this nation around a decade ago and the craze still continues. MBA provided a new promising career opportunity to students, who earlier had just engineering and medical careers to look up to. With MBA graduates bagging some never heard before packages and plum international opportunities,   Read more

By MyEdge

Probable impact of the new Government on the Indian Education sector

India being a developing country holds immense potential for its youth to grow & prosper with giant strides. The country has been facing an acute demand supply gap in terms of number of eligible students’ vis-à-vis number of seats in educational institutions such as schools, colleges, university etc. The public and private sector investment has been increasing however it has not been able to keep up with the widening demand. The Government having realized this lacuna has decided to focus its efforts on online learning (Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) and Virtual Classrooms.   Read more

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Why The Modi Government is Emphasizing on MOOCs & Virtual Classes
Clearing CAT is Not as Tough as it Looks
Expert Tips for Clearing UPSC Examinations
Probable impact of the new Government on the Indian Education sector