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5 tips to make learning math an easy task

Learning maths is not an easy task, infact we have heard of numerous stories of student’s having nightmares even on opening the maths book. A good private maths tutor, if you are able to find one, can really prove to be god sent and can help you learn the art of number crunching. However, that is not the end of the story, there are a host of other skills needed to succeed in maths. In order to get your mathematical acumen in place, you need to be clear about the concepts in the first place. After which, a decent amount of practice and solving test papers can actually make a significant difference.

Solving puzzles and other interesting riddles can also be a good technique to improve one’s learning abilities in this subject. Refrain from treating this subject as your enemy and instead befriend it with open arms. Believe us, the results can be astonishing and there are numerous studies which have scientifically proven the effectiveness of such learning techniques.

Here are our top tips to make maths a congenial subject for students of any age:

No substitute to hardwork: To start off, maths is all about learning well and appreciating concepts with deep understanding. Some of us do not even appreciate the concepts in the first place. You need to be ready about putting in a lot of effort and time/practice when you start off with cracking numbers. Thorough revision is always a great way to get going with maths.

Get a great private tutor: Further, it is imperative that you hire the services of a quality maths tutor/mentor as soon as possible. The tutor will not only help you to learn concepts effectively in order to score above average but also guide you in avoiding making careless mistakes in calculations. Finding quality tutors has now become extremely convenient and easy through mobile application such as WONK (Available on Google PlayStore). You can browse through verified tutor profiles and choose the one that fits your requirement.

Synergize the learning techniques and use creative strategies to master math theorems: Maths is all about learning in a way that is very novel and effective. This is a subject that requires a lot of practice and use of flash cards can help more effectively. Theorems, formula and geometry all need some amount of creative learning strategies. Certain math facts can be remembered through use of memory games and flash cards.

Involve yourself in play activities and make groups with other learners: Maths often is all about applying collective logic in learning. Geometry and statistics along with trigonometry can be learnt in groups by memorizing the theorems. Maths games that are played in groups often induce memorization and active learning. Without being too fanatical, maths games can be played for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day and then repeated in different groups of learners. This active participation often spells success and a deep rooted love for the subject.

Use specified time slots each day for maths assignments: This is a method that is ideal for learners in various age group with differential maths skills and complexities. This exercise, when run daily, may not be too time consuming and can help cut down time spent in solving problems. This method is often known as Speed Maths Technique and requires students to answer questions on a variety of topics in record time. The largest number of questions solved in the least amount of time is what helps a student succeed.

Depending on varied ability and interests, children may be able to harness their maths skills without a lot of effort by banking on the suggestions given above.

In case you want to choose quality verified Maths Tutor of your choice, in your locality, download WONK and browse through hundreds of stellar profiles of math tutors. To know more, visit