WONK, a mirror image of the word KNOW, is an initiative to bridge the gap between millions of students/parents and tutors.
With a strong belief in our hearts, that learning should not be a privilege of a select few, WONK aspires to break all the physical coaching barriers and help students/ parents search for tutors in their area, for specific subjects and as per their paying capacity.
Moreover, at WONK a student/parent can book a tutor after reading his reviews and ratings, make an informed decision!
Students and parents can sort, filter and book verified tutors based on their requirements
Book classes for academic needs and pursuing interests (dancing, singing, cooking & much more)
Tutors can sign up for free to offer tuition classes.
Every 6 minutes, a tutor uploads a profile on MyEdge.
More than a hundred students register everyday for booking tuition classes at various levels.
A 3-step extremely simple process to book a class.
Payment can be made easily through PayTm wallet
Varied options of home & personal tuition, group tuition and mock test series.
Verified Tutor profiles with photographs and location
Reviews and ratings submitted by genuine students and parents
Parents /
School /
College Students
* above 18 years of age who might be looking for extra income/ work from home opportunities/ something productive to manage their free time.